Clean your computer keyboard

Tips for Maintaining Your Keyboard

A clean keyboard will always be more efficient than a dirty one, but most importantly, it will be more hygienic.
To achieve this, it's essential to clean it regularly.

clean laptop

Here are some tips for effective cleaning:

1. Vacuuming

Turn off your computer, then using a hairdryer or a handheld USB vacuum (be careful not to use a mains-connected vacuum cleaner, as you may suck the keys off your keyboard), vacuum up any dust, crumbs, hair, etc.
After vacuuming, use a can of compressed air to further remove dust from between the keys.

2. Cleaning

You can use a damp cloth or a moistened cotton swab (never apply liquid directly to the keyboard). Gently wipe the surface and sides of the keys.

3. Disinfection

As we all know, a keyboard is a breeding ground for bacteria. We recommend regularly wiping the surface of your keyboard with an alcohol-based wipe (70°) or a solution of white vinegar (2/3 water and 1/3 white vinegar), including the mouse as well.

Repeat this cleaning process every 15 days, and your keyboard will thank you.

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