How to obtain the manual for your PC?

If you're looking for the manual for your Asus laptop, the process is simple and straightforward.

Follow these steps to quickly access all the necessary information regarding your device.

1. Visit the official Asus website: Open your web browser and go to the official Asus website.

2. Navigate to the Support section: Once on the homepage, look for the "Support" category. This may be located in the main menu at the top of the website page.

3. Select Drivers and Manuals: In the Support section, look for the "Drivers and Manuals" option or a similar wording. Click on this option to access the page dedicated to drivers and manuals.

4. Enter your PC model or serial number: On the new page, you should see a search field. Enter the model or the serial number of your Asus laptop in this field and press Enter.

5. Choose your product: The page will likely display multiple results. Identify your specific model and click on it to access the support page dedicated to your laptop.

6. Download the manual: On the support page, you'll find various information, including downloads. Look for the "Manuals" or "Guides" section and download the user manual corresponding to your laptop model.

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