Remove preinstalled software

Follow our recommendations to uninstall software and other applications from your computer. It has become common for new computers, whether laptops or desktops, to come preloaded with third-party software and trial versions upon first startup, commonly referred to as bloatware. These programs unnecessarily occupy your hard drive space, as they are often not needed. However, uninstalling them is not always straightforward.
First, download Windows10Debloater and extract the downloaded archive.

The archive contains a set of scripts used to remove all bloatware.

  1. Open the file named "Windows10DebloaterGUI" with Notepad by right-clicking on it.
  2. Select all the text in the file using Ctrl+A, then copy it with Ctrl+C.
  3. Next, open "Windows PowerShell" (use the Windows search feature to find it).
  4. Make sure to run it as an administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as Administrator."
  5. Paste the previously copied text into the console with Ctrl+V, then press Enter.
  6. A window should appear. On it, select "Remove all bloatware."
  7. An uninstallation process will start in the background within the console.
  8. Once completed, the message "Finished all tasks" will appear, indicating that the bloatware has been uninstalled.
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