Clean Your PC

To clean a laptop, you need to have the right tools:

- Microfiber cloth (does not leave lint)
- Screen cleaning product (or for glasses) without harmful substances such as ammonia or bleach. Isopropyl alcohol remains the best solution, as moisture and computer components do not mix well.
- Toothpick
- Cotton swab
- Clean sponge
- Vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle or compressed air
- Eraser
First and foremost, make sure your PC is properly turned off, and disconnect it from any power source.
You can also remove the battery if you feel inclined and if you know the procedure.
Let's start with the screen:
Using the microfiber cloth,
- Gently remove dust while holding the screen with your other hand to keep it steady.
- Do not press too hard, as the screen remains fragile.
- Take a clean sponge, moisten it, and then squeeze it out completely so that it does not drip any water. You don't want a single drop to fall beneath the keyboard and damage your components.
- If the quality of your tap water is not good enough, you can use distilled water to moisten the sponge, or simply use screen cleaning wipes, which are less risky in terms of moisture.
Note: Refer to the user manual provided with the PC at the time of purchase to see the recommended cleaning products. Some screens or PCs have specific intolerances.

For the keyboard:
- Hold your PC firmly in your hands and turn it over.
- Start gently shaking to dislodge any foreign particles from the keyboard, tipping your PC from side to side.
- Then, use your vacuum cleaner with the smallest attachment to vacuum over the keys of your keyboard.

Compressed air is also a solution, but remember to tilt your PC 75° so that the dust can escape properly from your computer.
- Use the eraser to meticulously rub the keys where dirt has accumulated: in a cutting view, you will see these more clearly, typically the keys where your fingers are most often placed.
- Once dislodged, vacuum over the keyboard again to collect any eraser crumbs and other dirt that may have settled.
- You can wipe with a soft cloth with a little alcohol to perfect the cleaning, then use another cloth to immediately absorb any moisture, nothing should damage the PC.

Note: If you want to deep clean, use a cotton swab to pass between the keys and gently clean the crevices, ports, and connectors.

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